Jordan Clinic Gum Protector Soft Toothbrush



Perfectly designed toothbrush for healthy teeth & gums and for a shiny smile!

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Jordan Clinic Gum Protector Soft Toothbrush

Packaging: 35gr

Brushing damage to teeth enamel and gums is a more extensive problem than cavities. As many as three out of four people brush too hard.

To combat that problem when you brush too hard the toothbrush will bend and give way with a noticeable “click”. The mechanism sits in a joint in the handle and will be felt as a click under your thumb when you brush too hard. When that happens, you will automatically ease the pressure and treat your teeth more gently. In addition, the brush head has ultra thin tapered bristles which ensure efficient and gentle cleaning of the teeth, along the gum line and reach further between the teeth than standard bristles.

Available in different colors displayed in photo!

How To Use

Brush with circular movements in order to avoid any damage to gums and enamels.

Aditional Information

Weight 0,100 kg

Age group
