Whitening Products


Whitening action. Fights microbial plaque. Protects from caries.


Whitens teeth instantly. Removes discolorations and stains.


Thoroughly cleans to maintain the original whiteness of your dentures.


Curaprox Black is White Set 90ml


Refreshingly lemony! Including the Black Is White version of the CS 5460 ultra soft toothbrush.


Dynamic design for effective brushing on all teeth with whitening action!


Dynamic design for effective brushing on all teeth with whitening action!


Helps to remove superficial tooth discolouration.


For deep cleaning & whiter teeth.


For complete protection of oral hygiene, especially in areas that are difficult to clean.  


Combines whitening & cleansing action.


Elgydium Brilliance & Care 30ml


Get rid of stubborn stains from your teeth.


This certified organic toothpaste helps reduce surface dental stains from 2 weeks of use.

The Best Teeth Whitening Products

Yellowed teeth are an obstacle to achieving the perfect smile. But have you ever wondered what makes your teeth turn yellow? Knowing what causes yellowing of  the teeth makes it easier to maintain a whiter smile. Learn more about the causes  of yellowing of teeth and how you can reduce this phenomenon and improve your  daily dental care routine.

What causes yellowing of teeth?

While food and drink can, in the long run, stain your teeth, the main and most  immediate cause of tooth yellowing is the weakening of the enamel. Enamel is the  hard, white material that surrounds your teeth on the outside. Beneath this surface  is dentin, a light brown substance.

Enamel loss and yellowed teeth

As the color of the enamel erodes, the dentin begins to become much more visible, making your teeth look more yellow. For most people, enamel corrosion occurs as  part of the normal aging process. However, food acids and drink can cause  premature erosion of the enamel and yellowing of the teeth.

Yellowed teeth and smoke

Smoking and other “bad” habits can significantly affect the color of your teeth.  Cigarette smoke contains tar and nicotine, substances that create stains on the  teeth and contribute to the accumulation of plaque and stone.

Plaque and tartar affect the gums and cause damage that can lead to gingivitis or  even tooth loss. Usually, the accumulated plaque gives a yellowish or brown color to the teeth and gums.

Yellowed teeth and food stains

Dark foods and drinks can discolor the surface of your teeth. Foods that cause  discoloration include tea, coffee, glue, red wine, blackberries, blueberries and  blackberries and beetroot. Fortunately, these stains can be easily removed with  daily brushing and flossing.

How can you prevent yellowing of the teeth?

You can prevent yellowing of your teeth by avoiding sugary snacks and acidic  drinks such as soda and wine. The acids contained in these foods can corrode the  enamel, but drinking milk or water after a meal can avoid these “unpleasant”  effects. Another way to prevent yellowing is to limit snacking between meals. In this  way, saliva neutralizes the acids of the mouth in a natural way.

At Fotopharmacy, find out whitening teeth items produced according to the strictest safety and hygiene specifications of the European Union. Discover unique brand name products and complete series of products which offer teeth whitening and leave your teeth very clean and healthy. Choose specialized products which protect the teeth, they are appropriate for daily use, they are easy and safe to use and have impressive results even after very few uses. With unique combinations that
remove discolorations from your teeth and at the same time they protect them against new ones. They actively reinforce enamel, so they make your teeth stronger and protect them against tooth decay.