Moisturizing & firming oil! Elliminates scars, stretch marks, uneven skin tones, aging signs and dehydrated skin!
Moisturizing & firming oil! Elliminates scars, stretch marks, uneven skin tones, aging signs and dehydrated skin!
In super-soft silicone act like a second skin for sore or cracked nipples.
Οffer safe & convenient breast milk storage.
Excellent for dry skin, cradle cap, diaper irritation massage and bath.
Ideal for storing food both at home and away.
Helps you breastfeed longer, comfortably.
Natural motion technology for quicker milk flow.
Convenient, pre-sterilized, one-time use bags provide safe and secure storage.
Feature an extra-durable design that cushions in case of drops.
Offers breast pads based on your bra size, to ensure a great fit.
Offers breast pads based on your bra size, to ensure a great fit.
The Best Skin Products for Pregnancy
The ultimate miracle of nature: creating a new life! Welcome to the world of motherhood and fatherhood! But even before that, a woman has entered weeks ago (40 weeks!) the world of maternity by pregnancy!
Each one of these 40 weeks includes stress, anxiety and concern about what is going to happen. Overcoming the previous, you must be prepared and armored with mineral, vitamin supplies (folic acid, iron and calcium are the most common used) and products to improve your good-looking shape and well-being form, such as stretch mark creams for pregnancy.
Look for the best skin products for pregnancy from brand name products, which you, like every other mother during the pregnancy
and breast feeding periods, will find extremely useful. Discover special accessories
and other useful products for this important period of your life. Choose brand
name products which look after your skin, which during pregnancy, needs special
care. Moreover, at fotopharmacy.com, you will find specialized products for after
birth and for breastfeeding; for example, products for the everyday intensive
hygiene of your breasts and generally your skin.