Uni-Pharma Repel Spray Odorless Insect Repellent with Hyaluronate 100ml



Uni-pharma Repel Spray is a body repellent that repels and protects against a wide range of insects: mosquitoes, and the tiger mosquito, gnats, fleas, ticks, flies, bees, wasps.

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Uni-pharma Repel Spray Odorless Insect Repellent with Hyaluronate

Packaging : 100ml

Odorless protection from mosquitoes and other insects, ideal for young and old! The specialized laboratories of Uni-Pharma have created for you Repel spray, a product which, unlike many common formulations, keeps insects away without smelling to humans. So, we can use it without discomfort, any time of the day we need protection. It has as active ingredient IR3535, a repellent of natural origin, recommended by both the World Health Organization and KEELPNO to avoid bites from the known insects and species that one encounters when traveling to tropical countries. Therefore, Repel spray is ideal for those who intend to travel.

Aditional Information

Weight 0,200 kg

Age group
