Tommee Tippee Ultra Light Silicone Pacifiers 0-6m 2pcs



Ultra Light silicone pacifiers are our lightest pacifiers with a perfect fit and soft feel!

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Tommee Tippee Ultra Light Silicone Pacifiers 0-6m

Packaging: 2pcs


Specially designed so as not to prevent the proper development of teeth. The soft, durable silicone teat is easy to squeeze and thus reduces pressure on baby’s teeth and gums allowing for normal oral development. Symmetrical orthodontic design, with an oval, symmetrical and fully reversible shape with no “wrong” side up, so that the pacifier always fits correctly in your baby’s mouth, even when he puts it in his mouth by himself.

The rounded, curved protector minimizes pressure and is gentle on your little one’s cheeks, offering extra comfort. Air holes allow baby’s skin to breathe and prevent moisture build-up which helps protect baby’s sensitive skin from irritation.

How To Use

They are easy to clean and safe to sterilize in a sterilizer, microwave, hand wash or dishwasher.

It is recommended to replace them after one month of use or as soon as signs of wear appear.

Aditional Information

Weight 0,100 kg
Age group
