Philips Avent Natural Response Nipple 0 months, flow rate 1, 2 pieces SCY961/02



Supports the unique pace at which your baby drinks.

4 in stock

Supports your baby’s unique drinking pace

  • The Natural Response nipple releases milk only when the baby is drinking. Babies drink, swallow, and breathe at their own natural pace, just like during breastfeeding.
  • Facilitates combining breastfeeding and bottle feeding
How To Use

Using the Philips Avent Natural Response Nipple 0 months, flow rate 1, 2 pieces SCY961/02 involves several steps to ensure a safe and comfortable feeding experience for your baby. Here’s how to use it:

  • Inspect Before Each Use:
    • Check the nipple for any signs of damage or wear. If you notice any cracks, tears, or changes in shape, replace the nipple immediately.
  • Sterilize Before First Use:
    • Sterilize the nipple before the first use. You can boil it in water for 5 minutes or use a compatible sterilizer. Allow it to cool and dry thoroughly.
  • Attach to Bottle Correctly:
    • Ensure that the nipple is properly attached to the Philips Avent bottle. Follow the instructions provided with the bottle for secure attachment.
  • Test Flow Before Feeding:
    • Test the nipple’s flow rate before each feeding by shaking a few drops of milk onto your inner wrist. The milk should drip at a manageable rate, not pour out too quickly.
  • Hold Bottle at Right Angle:
    • During feeding, hold the bottle at an angle to allow milk to fill the nipple. This position helps prevent air from being swallowed, reducing the risk of colic.
  • Follow Baby’s Pace:
    • Allow your baby to feed at their own pace. The Natural Response nipple is designed to release milk only when the baby actively drinks, mimicking natural breastfeeding.
  • Clean After Use:
    • Clean the nipple thoroughly after each use. Rinse it under running water and use a mild detergent or place it in the dishwasher (top rack recommended).


The Natural Response nipples and bottles are BPA-free.

Aditional Information

Weight 0,100 kg
Age group


