Jalplast Cream 100gr



Healing cream for the treatment of skin irritations & lesions.

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Jalplast Cream 

Packaging: 100gr

The JALPLAST series are skin healers with hyaluronic acid as the main ingredient, which stimulates the body’s normal tissue healing process. JALPLAST keeps the wound moist, thus promoting healing and significantly reducing its duration. Scientifically, it is a biological polysaccharide (glycosaminoglycan) found in the extracellular ground substance of most tissues and especially in developing or regenerating tissues.

In simpler words, it is a natural substance of the body itself that participates in the healing process as it works “like a sponge” since one molecule of hyaluronic acid can bind 109 molecules of water and release them when the mechanical pressure on it increases. Hyaluronic acid is minimally absorbed by healthy skin, does not cause local irritation and does not exhibit systemic toxic effects or side effects.

Hyaluronic acid is indicated for the following skin lesions:

  • Skin defects regardless of etiology.
  • Severe vein ulcers.
  • Pressure ulcers.
  • Skin damage from radiation.
  • Post-burn and post-traumatic dried scars.
  • Post-traumatic ulcers


Aditional Information

Weight 0,2 kg

Age group