Epsilon Health Donafil 10 Vaginal Ovules 2gr 10pcs



Vaginal suppositories with antimicrobial, balancing and protective action on the vaginal mucosa.

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Epsilon Health Donafil 10 Vaginal Ovules

Packaging: 2gr / 10pcs


Epsilon Health Donafil is a medical technology aid that helps to restore the normal defense mechanisms of the vagina. It is useful in the prevention and treatment of various vaginal conditions, including fungal infections, and helps reduce the symptoms of irritation, itching and burning sensation.

  • Lactic acid, a natural component found naturally in the vagina, favors the immediate correction of pH and facilitates the natural restoration of the delicate vulvovaginal environment.
  • Boric acid, thanks to its durability in the vaginal environment, lowers the vaginal pH and helps maintain the acidic environment.
  • Polycarbophil, once incorporated into the vaginal mucus, releases H⁺ ions at a constant rate, which contribute to lowering the pH of the vaginal environment.

Warnings during use:

The use of Donafil during pregnancy, breastfeeding and its use in children should be limited to cases where it is deemed necessary and should be done under the direct supervision of a doctor.

How To Use

1-2 suppositories per day intravaginally, preferably at night before going to bed, for 5-7 days after the end of the menstrual cycle or according to medical advice.


  • Lactic acid
  • Boric acid
  • Polycarbophil

Aditional Information

Weight 0,150 kg
Age group
