Kyritsis Pediatric Waterproof Plaster Arm Protector for Children


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Plaster arm protector for children.

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Kyritsis Pediatric Waterproof Plaster Arm Protector for Children

The Kyritsis Pediatric Waterproof Plaster Protector for Arm is a specialized protector designed to safeguard a gypsum from water damage. This protector is particularly useful for patients who need to keep their arm dry while bathing, swimming, or engaging in other water-related activities. The product features a durable waterproof material that effectively seals out moisture, ensuring the cast remains dry and intact. Additionally, its design is tailored to fit comfortably on arm, providing a secure and snug fit without causing discomfort. This plaster protector is an essential tool for maintaining the integrity of the arm’s cast during the healing process, offering protection.

How To Use

Prepare the Protector: Before using, ensure that the plaster protector is clean and free from any damage. Inspect it for any tears or holes.

Prepare the Arm: The child’s arm should be dry and the plaster or cast should be properly set. Avoid applying any lotions or oils near the cast before using the protector.

Open the Seal: The protector has a sealing mechanism that creates a waterproof barrier. Gently stretch this opening.

Insert the Arm: Carefully insert the child’s arm into the protector. Be cautious not to tug or pull on the cast or injured area. The arm should slide in smoothly.

Secure the Seal: Once the arm is fully inside, ensure that the seal is snug around the arm but not too tight. It should be comfortable without restricting blood flow, yet tight enough to prevent water from entering.

Use in Water: The child can now use their arm in water. However, it’s advisable to avoid completely submerging the arm for extended periods, and rough play or high-pressure water should be avoided to ensure the seal remains intact.

Remove the Protector: After finishing the water activity, gently remove the protector. It’s important to do this slowly to avoid pulling on the cast.

Dry and Store: After removal, dry the outside of the protector with a towel. Turn it inside out to dry completely before storing. Ensure it’s fully dry to prevent any mold or mildew buildup.

Regular Checks: Regularly inspect the protector for any signs of wear and tear. If any damage is found, replace the protector to ensure continuous protection.

Consult Healthcare Professionals: If you’re unsure about using the protector or if it’s the first time, consult a healthcare professional for guidance. They can demonstrate the correct way to use it and provide tips specific to the child’s condition.

Aditional Information

Weight 0,200 kg

Age group