Italfarmaco PolyBactum Suppositories 3pcs



It reduces the symptoms, helps to protect against vaginal infections and at the same time prevents their recurrence.

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Italfarmaco PolyBactum Suppositories

Packaging: 3pcs


Polybactum is an innovative medical technology product with polycarbophil and lauryl glucoside and a triple mode of action.

  1. It has a selective inhibitory effect on the growth of bacteria thanks to which it does not affect the normal growth of lactobacilli, while simultaneously reducing the growth of Gardnerella vaginalis, which is the main cause of bacterial vaginitis.
  2. It has a mucoadhesive and protective effect, as a result of which it creates a barrier, which protects the normal flora and mucous membrane of the vagina from the attachment of pathogenic bacteria
  3. It helps in the normal acidification of the pH of the vagina and thus facilitates the restoration of the vaginal flora based on lactobacilli.
    Polybactum can be used during pregnancy.
    In addition, the effectiveness of Polybactum is combined with absolute safety, it does not affect the normal flora and is compatible with latex.

In which women is POLYBACTUM given?

  • Women with symptoms of vaginitis
  • Women with recurrence of vaginitis symptoms
  • In pregnant women with symptoms of vaginitis
How To Use

1 vaginal suppository every 3 days for 1 week.

The same scheme will be followed for the next 2 cycles of the woman.

When required, start treatment after the end of menstruation.


C12-18 acid glycerides, polycarbophil, lauryl glucoside.

Aditional Information

Weight 0,150 kg
Age group
