Inoplus Gold Cran Supplement for the Smooth Function of the Urinary Tract 20eff.tabs



Inoplus Gold Cran is a food supplement with cranberry, D-mannose & vitamin C, specially designed to support the health of the urinary system.

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Inoplus Gold Cran Supplement for the Smooth Function of the Urinary Tract

Packaging: 20eff.tabs


  • D-mannose + cranberry extract
  • Along with vitamin C
  • For urinary tract health
  • Protection against urinary tract infections
  • Cherry flavor
  • Sugarless

Inoplus Gold Cran is a food supplement with cranberry, D-mannose & vitamin C, specially designed to support the health of the urinary system.

Cranberry: Contains proanthocyanidins (PACs), which are antioxidant tannins that prevent the adhesion of bacteria to the walls of the bladder, thus preventing the occurrence of UTI & cystitis. **

D-Mannose: Carbohydrate that protects the urinary tract from coliform bacteria such as E. Coli, which is responsible for 90% of urinary tract infections (UTI, cystitis). Mannose does not kill coliform bacteria, but helps to remove them, preventing the creation of local inflammation. **

Vitamin C: Contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system and to the protection of cells from oxidative stress. *

** The above information about cranberry and D-mannose are the results of studies. They do not constitute an EFSA opinion.

*The above information regarding: Vitamin C are official health claims from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), EU regulation no. 432/2012, No. EFSA Journal 2009; 7(9):1226, 2010; 8(10):1815 [Vitamin C] How To Use


1 effervescent tablet daily.

Instructions for use

To be taken dissolved in a glass of cold water (200 ml).


Do not take in case of hypersensitivity to any of the contained components.

Avoid taking during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.

To be kept in a place where they cannot be seen or reached by children.

Store in a dry place, away from light and heat, in the original packaging and at a temperature below 25°C.

No. Acquaintance EOF: 139356/13-12-2022. The EOF notification number does not take the place of an EOF registration number.

Aditional Information

Weight 0,150 kg
Age group
