Fito+ Promo Pack Herbal Mesotherapy Cream No4 For Face and Neck 50ml & Serum For Eyes & Lips 30ml



Mesotherapy system with face cream & serum with anti-wrinlke and nourishing action!

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24-Hour Mesotherapy Cream 50ml
The 24-hour mesotherapy cream for face and neck contains four different prebiotics, four different hyaluronic acids, plant stem cells, and the bioactive MPC TM. It also contains a complex of vitamins and extracts of dittany, saffron, fig, balsam, and honey. The prebiotics ensure a healthy microbiome for the skin and create the appropriate substrate for the deep action of all active ingredients. The 24-hour cream quickly and effectively reduces lines and wrinkles.

  • Ιmproves skin thickness and provides an ideal contour.
  • Gives to the skin health and firmness.

Enhanced Penetration & Action Serum No4 for Eyes & Lips 30ml
Serum No4 mesotherapy contains four different prebiotics, four different hyaluronic acids, plant stem cells, the bioactive MPC TM, and the bioactive Unisooth EG-28 for eyes. It also contains a complex of vitamins and extracts of chamomile, cucumber, sage, and honey. It helps the eye area with lines and wrinkles, crow’s feet, and dark circles. Thus, it restores the area and gives you a radiant look. It also smoothes the contour of the lips.

How To Use

Using an anti-wrinkle face cream and serum typically involves a simple and consistent skincare routine. Here are general guidelines on how to use them:
Cleansing: Before applying any skincare products, start with a clean face. Use a gentle cleanser to remove dirt, makeup, and impurities. Rinse with lukewarm water and pat your face dry with a clean towel.
Toning (Optional): Some people choose to use a toner after cleansing to balance the skin’s pH and prepare it for the next steps. If you use a toner, apply it using a cotton pad or by gently patting it onto your skin.

Serum Application:
Serum Order: Apply the anti-wrinkle serum first, as serums typically contain a higher concentration of active ingredients. Follow the specific product’s instructions for the amount to use, but a pea-sized amount is usually sufficient.
Application: Gently massage the serum onto your face and neck using upward and outward motions. Avoid the eye area if the serum is not formulated for use around the eyes.
Allow Absorption: Give the serum a few minutes to absorb into your skin fully.

Face Cream Application:
Face Cream Order: After the serum has been absorbed, apply the anti-wrinkle face cream.
Amount: Use the recommended amount of face cream as specified on the product’s packaging. Usually, a small amount is enough.
Application: Apply the cream evenly to your face and neck, again using gentle upward and outward motions. Avoid the eye area if the cream is not intended for use around the eyes.

Always read the specific instructions on the product labels, as different products may have varying application guidelines and ingredients. Additionally, it’s a good idea to perform a patch test before using any new skincare product to ensure you don’t have any adverse reactions or allergies. If you have specific concerns or skin conditions, consider consulting a dermatologist for personalized skincare recommendations.

Aditional Information

Weight 0,260 kg

Age group