Clearblue Pregnancy Test Ultra Early 2pcs



Early detection of the pregnancy hormone.

7 in stock

Clearblue Pregnancy Test Ultra Early

Packaging: 2pcs


Clearblue Early Detection provides early detection of the pregnancy hormone (human Chorionic Gonadotropin – hCG).

Key benefits

Over 99% accurate

From the day you expect your period.2

For results 6 days early

Can tell you 6 days sooner than your missed period (which is 5 days before you expect your period).1


Highly sensitive

Our highest sensitivity detection of the pregnancy hormone hCG (10mIU/ml).

Easy to use

Extra wide tip for easy sampling and unique Floodguard Technology to help reduce usage error and make it easier to test correctly.

DualSense Technology

May prevent false positive results in a very small number of women.

How To Use

1. Before you begin

Always read the package insert carefully before testing. If you’re testing before you expect your period, use the first urine of the day, as any pregnancy hormone will be more concentrated. Otherwise you can test any time of the day, as hormone levels will be higher if you are pregnant. Avoid drinking lots of liquid including water, before using your Early Detection Pregnancy Test to make sure you don’t dilute any hormone in your sample.

When ready to test, remove the test stick from the foil wrapper, take off the blue cap and use the test straight away.

2. Take the test

Hold the test with the absorbent tip pointing downward, and place just the absorbent tip in either your urine stream for 5 seconds, or in a urine sample collected in a clean, dry container for 20 seconds.

Avoid getting the plastic housing wet during sampling.

Replace the cap and lay the test stick on a flat surface.

Throughout testing never hold the test stick with the absorbent tip pointing upwards.

3. Wait for your result

Red lines will start to develop. Wait 5 minutes before reading your result.

4. Read your result

If you see two lines, you are pregnant. It does not matter how faint or dark the lines are.

If you see one line, you are not pregnant A red line must be present in the control window for your result to be valid.


Read your result within 10 minutes of testing. Do not read results after 10 minutes.

Aditional Information

Weight 0,100 kg
Age group
