Increase Vitamin D To Lose Weight Today!

New discoveries and announcements of new data on the effects of vitamin D are coming out everyday. The importance of vitamin D for our health has been widely recognized and the normal levels of it in our blood has now begun to become part of routine examinations in a significant number of medical specialties.
Blood tests are now often prescribed by endocrinologists, pediatricians, neurologists, rheumatologists, orthopedists, physicians and others. At the same time, more and more doctors are prescribing vitamin D in an effort to make up for its deficiency. This is a huge step forward that can make a real difference in improving health easily and effectively. It was already known that obese people had low levels of vitamin D in their blood. However, it seems that this powerful hormone, which we call a vitamin, plays a much more important role than previously thought in the management of the human body’s fat storage.

Vitamin D Enhances Weight Loss
In a recent study concerning the relationship between vitamin D blood levels and weight loss, researchers found that the higher the levels of vitamin D in people who were monitored and dieted, the greater the weight loss. This research was conducted for the US National Institutes of Public Health and was presented at the annual conference of the American Endocrinological Society. Over a period of eleven weeks, the findings indicate that for each Vitamin D unit increase in the blood of the subjects in the study, there was a weight loss of 0.2 kg in addition to those lost due to their diet. Additionally, the higher the levels of vitamin D, the greater the loss of fat around the abdomen. Dr. Sibley, head of the research team, said: “The results suggest that adding vitamin D to a diet is likely to lead to greater and easier weight loss.”

Mediterranean People have Lower Vitamin D Levels!
Although we live in a Mediterranean country and vitamin D is produced in our body by sun exposure, its levels in the Greek population are very low. In fact, they are lower than the corresponding populations living in northern countries, because usually they enrich their food to deal with the problem. Robert Heaney, world authority on vitamin D research, states that ideal values should be in the range of 60-80 ng /ml with a minimum acceptable limit of 50 ng/ml. A recent data on the absorption of Vitamin D sheds more light on the understanding of its action. Vitamin D is produced in our skin after sun exposure. It takes 48 hours for the vitamin to be absorbed by the skin into the blood. During this time, if one washes with soap, the vitamin dissolves and so its levels do not rise, although we may have been sufficiently exposed to the sun (10-20 minutes a day is enough). It is very characteristic that people in older generations used to not rinse salty sea water from their bodies after swimming in the sea, since they had noticed that if they did this during the summer, they significantly reduced the chance of getting sick during the winter months. Nowadays this doesn’t happen and in combination with avoiding sun exposure and the use of sunscreens that almost completely inhibit the production of D, the majority of the population maintains low levels of this vital vitamin. So the “Mediterranean Paradox” is not so paradoxical after all.

What Is The Average Person’s Vitamin D Level?
Maintaining high levels of vitamin D in our blood is a prerequisite for being healthy and having an elegant body.
. Now that we can easily measure its levels with a blood test, it would be good to ask our doctor to do this test so that we can take the necessary steps and improve our health.
. The supplementation of our diet with vitamin D in order to achieve values above at least 50 ng/ml, should be accompanied by the intake of calcium and magnesium which are its most important partners in biochemical level.
. Maintaining ideal levels of vitamin D values is important for achieving optimal health.