Help Your Skin Recover After Pregnancy

If you have recently given birth and you want to regain your shape, you should take care of the weight gained during pregnancy, but also for the tightening of your skin. It is a fact that pregnancy causes many changes in the skin. The skin stretches and after childbirth shows relaxation. The following tips will help you deal with sagging skin and restore your skin to its original state.
Drink more water
Water moisturizes the skin and makes it more elastic, while also contributing to the burning of calories. When you are not hydrated the skin becomes dry, loses its elasticity and relaxes.
It is important to start some type of exercise as soon as your body recovers from childbirth, always with the consent of your doctor. You can start with walking, do some yoga or swimming. Aerobic exercise can work wonders on your weight and skin, while also sculpting your abs and boosting calorie burning. If you are already fit you can start your weight training again. Resistors stimulate muscle contractions and help build muscle mass and strength.  They also improve body’s composition, increasing muscle mass and reducing fat throughout the body.
Consume protein
Protein is essential for muscle growth, while it contains collagen that helps tighten the skin. Protein intake depends on your weight and physical activity.
Eat foods with vitamin C.
Vitamin C is also essential for the production of collagen in the skin. It is also an antioxidant protecting the skin from free radicals. Enhance your diet with fruits that are high in vitamin C such as strawberries, melons, kiwis and citrus fruits and green leafy vegetables.
Don’t do strict diets
If you start a strict, deprivation diet and lose weight you will gain it back again as soon as you stop it. So it is better for the elasticity of your skin to reduce your weight gradually.
Breastfeed as much as you can
Breastfeeding is very important for you as well as for your baby. When you breastfeed, you help your body lose the extra fat.
Exfoliate often
Another good way to tighten your skin after pregnancy is to exfoliate your body often when you take a shower. Exfoliation helps increase blood circulation by improving its flow and creating a healthier and more elastic skin.
Massage with essential oils and special lotions
There are many lotions with collagen and vitamins A, C, E and K. Apply one on your loose skin to enhance the firmness of your skin after pregnancy. You can also massage with oils twice a day to improve blood flow. Look for products that contain collagen, aloe, vitamin A or E.
Invest in formulas for this purpose
There are many products on the market that enhance skin tightening and increase collagen and elastin in the skin, as long as they do not contain caffeine and parabens because you are breastfeeding. Ingredients such as collagen, vitamin C and retinoids help the skin regain its structure, consistency and elasticity.