Beetroot – How It Benefits Health?

Beetroot is another natural remedy that helps treat many diseases and is very beneficial for our health. Scientific research on beets has shown that consuming them is very good for our body. Beetroot is rich in carbohydrates, nitrates, magnesium, iron, potassium, sodium, vitamin C and phytonutrients. Such are betanin and vulgaxanthin – the antioxidant that gives beets their deep red color.
Therefore, beets can shield the body against several diseases and help prevent medication.

Beetroot and benefits – Enhancement of endurance

Good news for athletes and those experiencing cardiovascular, respiratory or metabolic problems. Research from the University of Exeter has shown that drinking beetroot juice can boost our stamina to exercise 16% more. The high content of nitrates in beets reduces the body’s need for oxygen, making exercise easier. Although the exact mechanism has not been proven, researchers speculate that the conversion of nitrate ions to nitric oxide is responsible for improving resistance in this way.

Lowering blood pressure

Beetroot juice can also help those who have a problem with high blood pressure. Research by Queen Mary University of London showed that those who drank just a 250ml glass of beetroot juice daily, reduced their blood pressure within 24 hours. According to the researchers, the amount of nitrate is what contains the beneficial – for high blood pressure – properties. This is due to the conversion of nitrate – with saliva – to nitrite.

Lowering cholesterol

Animal studies have shown that the folic acid found in beetroot fiber can lower both cholesterol and triglycerides.

Reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease

Beetroot contains a substance, betaine, which lowers homocysteine ​​levels and shields against various cardiovascular diseases. Large amounts of homocysteine ​​in the body can be responsible for inflammation in the blood vessels. Betaine is a choline, which effectively helps reduce homocysteine ​​and thus shields our heart.

Prevents osteoporosis

Magnesium is essential in our body for the proper absorption of calcium and the maintenance of bones. Red beets have enough magnesium and thus help in better utilization of calcium. Be careful though, green beets contain oxalic acid, which makes it difficult to absorb calcium.

Helps treat liver disease

Some research on the properties of betaine has shown that it can also help treat liver disease. More specifically, it prevents the accumulation of fat in the liver. It can be caused by increased alcohol consumption, obesity, protein deficiency, diabetes.

Antioxidant properties

Beetroot contains betacyanin, an antioxidant that helps treat diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia. This antioxidant prevents further damage to brain cells. Research on bowel cancer has shown that the antioxidant properties of beetroot enhance the growth of CD8 cells. These are the cells that detect and destroy abnormal cells. Also, laboratory studies have shown that betanin reduces tumor growth through multiple mechanisms. The cancer cells used in these studies were from the intestine, central nervous system, lungs, chest, prostate, stomach and genitals. Research has not made beetroot an “anti-cancer” food, but the results are encouraging.