5 Natural Ways To Reduce Acne Scars

Perhaps the biggest lie of our adolescence was that we would grow up and have a smooth and glowing face, without pimples and scars. Instead, we grew up and see the pimples come back every month. But why is this happening?
The signs of acne are actually a part of the process: our skin is trying to recover by producing collagen. If less collagen than needed is produced, a small cavity will form. If too much collagen is produced, there will be a protruding pimple.
There are 5 different herbal remedies that will help you fight the signs of acne.

Black Cumin Oil
This oil, produced in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, is very easy to find in online stores. It has anti-microbial properties, but it is also anti-inflammatory. Of course, reducing inflammation is just one of the many benefits that this oil has for our skin. Studies have found that it can accelerate wound healing, but also prevent the formation of blemishes when the scar heals.

Wild Rose Oil
This oil is well known for its anti-aging properties and can be easily found in many pharmacies. It is completely safe for application directly on the skin. A study has shown that it can be effectively used to treat scars. Some researchers recommend using it topically twice a day, and claim that it may make the acne scars less noticeable.

In addition to being delicious and healthy, honey can also help with the signs of acne. Honey has several medical uses, such as the healing of burns, wounds and herpes. Some studies have shown that it can be very helpful in speeding up healing without scarring. This is because honey has antibacterial properties and can fight infections that would make acne reappear.

Aloe Vera
Like honey, aloe vera is a well-known medicine. In the case of acne, it works in a similar way. Applying aloe vera directly to the wounds can reduce inflammation and any signs that will appear. It is very easy to find gels and ointments based on aloe in pharmacies, but we can also have our own plant in a pot at home, cut open its leaves and rub the sticky substance found inside on our skin.

Lemon juice
Many people claim they have used lemon juice for acne scars and it can help reduce blemishes. Be careful, though, because lemon juice is very acidic, so use only a few drops.