Strengthen Your Skin and Hair with Food Supplements

Have you noticed a change in yourself lately? Has your skin started to look pale? Is it dull and tired? Same goes for your hair. Do you have minor or moderate hair loss?
This is probably the seasonal hair loss that affects most of us at this time. It is true that in the fall we all experience a relative hair loss, but it often worsens for the same reasons that the skin ages: unbalanced diet, poor oxygenation… and less daylight that slows down all our vital functions. Beauty comes from within us. You’ve heard it before, you know it… The increased stress, the messy, bad diet that often results from the exhausting rhythms of life that we follow daily, sooner or later has consequences! It is also reflected in the health of our hair, nails and skin. It is commonly accepted that “we are what we eat” and the truth is that every organ and tissue of our body needs the necessary building blocks: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. Thus, hair, skin (the largest organ of our body) and nails could not be an exception to this rule.

Find out what nutrients are essential for healthy hair and skin!
The main component of hair is keratin, a protein that is produced from many amino acids, mainly cysteine. Cysteine is the most abundant amino acid in hair. Contained in a variety of foods, found mainly as cystine in poultry, yogurt, oats or sulfur-containing foods containing methionine and cysteine, such as egg yolks, garlic, onions, broccoli, beans, soy, nuts, etc.

It is a type of protein, and works with keratin to provide the skin with the strength, elasticity and radiance it needs. Produced both on the skin and in other parts of the body. When we are young, we have it in abundance, but as we grow older, its production by our body decreases.

Vitamin C
It is necessary for the synthesis of collagen and keratin. Retains moisture inside the hair preventing its dehydration, a factor that causes hair loss. Also, thanks to its antioxidant action, it prevents premature aging and graying of hair.

B-complex vitamins
B-complex vitamins are essential for a number of enzyme-linked chemical reactions protecting our skin and health in many ways. Focus on folic acid (vitamin B9), biotin (also known as vitamin B7 or vitamin H), and vitamin B12. They all have significant benefits for the hair.

Copper and Zinc
Both elements are involved in the synthesis of proteins, therefore they are essential for the healthy growth of hair.

It has been observed that people with iron deficiency show hair loss. For example, after strenuous weight loss programs or during menstruation, iron deficiency is common.

What to do?
So our first concern in this transitional period is to take better care of our meals, as well as taking a specialized food supplement in order to meet the needs of the valuable ingredients that are missing from our body.