Autumn Reset for a Healthy and Balanced Diet

The beginning of autumn is associated for most people with a refresh on our healthy habits, including nutrition changes. It’s the right time to adopt or return to some of the more balanced eating habits we have in our daily lives. This way we will be able to lose the weight we gained during the holidays, while we will also find the energy we need to make a dynamic start. Let’s see here what our restart should include.

Don’t skip breakfast!
A complete and balanced breakfast with food from different nutrient groups is what we need at the beginning of each day. The first meal of the day gives us energy after hours of sleep when the body is left without food and helps us feel full, especially if it includes foods rich in protein and fiber, which will help us avoid snacking until lunch.

Choose snacks wisely
Snacks are smaller in quantity than a main course. In fact, if we pay a little more attention to our snacks, avoiding those that are high in calories, fat and sugar, we can improve both the quality of our diet and our weight. Smart choices are a small fruit salad, a bowl of sliced cucumber and carrot or a handful of unsalted nuts.

Follow the Mediterranean diet
The best way to enjoy balanced meals is to prepare them yourself. That’s why we prefer recipes of high nutritional value following the rules of the Mediterranean diet. This means that our weekly menu contains all food groups with an emphasis on plant-based foods, such as whole grains, legumes, vegetables and fruits. Put fish in your diet 1-2 times a week, to benefit from a high biological value protein and the good fats they contain. Use olive oil that provides you with valuable nutrients, such as vitamin E, but make sure to add it in moderation, as excessive consumption can make your dishes richer in fat and calories. Another extra tip is to limit salt in your cooking as much as you can. It may give flavour to the meal, but there are other ways to do this, such as spices and herbs.

Stay hydrated
Adequate hydration of the body is something we must not forget throughout the year. Even a small amount of dehydration can lead to a reduction in our performance, which we certainly do not need. That’s why you should always have a glass or a bottle of water with you to remember to drink regularly. In addition to water, you can also enjoy other drinks, such as fresh juices, smoothies, tea or sugar-free drinks.