Tips for Oily Skin

Oily skin is not easy in everyday life. Oily skin produces excess sebum, looks shiny when it shouldn’t as the skin has large and open pores and alters the effect of makeup. The great advantage of oily skin is that it doesn’t show wrinkles easily and generally shows skin breakage with difficulty. If your skin is very oily, there are ways to reduce or cover the increased oiliness by using it to your advantage. Oily skin is also more prone to acne.
There are many factors that can cause oily skin. Oiliness may be due to heredity or be related to hormonal fluctuations. Oily skin can also be the result of long-term use of cosmetics with heavy compositions.
Read below some tips to be able to regulate the oiliness in your skin effectively.

Thoroughly Cleanse Your Skin
It is probably the most important step in regulating oiliness as long as it is not due to a pathological factor that requires medication, such as thyroid disease. According to dermatologists, women with very oily skin should wash their face 2-3 times a day, using an oil-control soap and immediately applying a specialised balancing cream that regulates the secretion of sebum that will be recommended by the dermatologist.
Once a week it is good to exfoliate to remove dead cells and sebum trapped in the pores that make the skin not breathe. At the same time, it is good to apply a clay mask with the same frequency, as it has the ability to absorb oils and remove excess sebum. Your dermatologist can recommend how often you need to do a deep cleansing of the skin, how it should be done and what products it should include.

Pay Attention to Your Diet
Women with very oily skin should pay attention to the following in their diet. They should drink plenty of water, because dehydration makes the glands produce more sebum and avoid fatty foods and sugar. Experts claim that almonds are an ideal anti-oiliness snack because they are rich in vitamin E, while the flavonoids in their skin absorb ultraviolet radiation and regulate cell regeneration. Finally, grapefruit is considered ideal because it is rich in vitamin C and fibers, has a strong antioxidant effect and helps remove excess oils from the body.

Do Light Makeup
Applying heavy makeup can aggravate the problem. That is why it is important that the products you choose do not create blemishes and dark spots and are hypoallergenic. So prefer a primer that will act as a base for makeup by regulating oiliness. Then use a makeup with a matte effect in powder form and avoid applying multiple layers. It is good to always have a powder with you that will instantly remove oiliness. The rest of the products that you will apply for your make-up need to be long-lasting, so that they stay in place for as long as possible, keeping your skin matte. Finally, don’t forget to pay attention to the sunscreen that you will choose for your face, to be based on water and not oil.