The Best Tips for a Relaxing Bath

Have you ever wondered how refreshing a relaxing “bath” is? You fill the bathtub with essential oils and flowers and for a while you lose the sense of space and time. It is very important to find self-care time in your day. After a long, hard day, you definitely need some personal treatment and a little relaxation just for you. So a luxurious bath is a must have! In addition to relaxing your body, it will also relax and “clean” your mind! And you will feel beautiful and light again, like a queen. Of course, there is a first time for everything, even if you have never done it before. Besides, it is very easy. You only need to find the right “weapons” to “throw yourself into the battle”.

What do you need for the perfect “bubble bath”?

Dreamy Bath bombs
These little fizzing balls smell of cleanliness and of course they are so “playful”. Choose the ideal one for you and let go.

The flowers themselves set the mood. So imagine what the so-called “flower therapy” can do. Add to your bathtub some flowers of your choice for extra scent, but also for a sense of luxury. You can also decorate your bathroom with flowers.

Bath salts and other essential oils
They help your skin exfoliate and at the same time contribute in some way to the “removal” of toxins and pollutants from the whole body.

Shower gel and body scrub
This doesn’t need an explanation. You would use them either way, why not use them in a full bathtub? Choose your favorites and indulge in a full body treatment.

Face masks
Your face can not be excluded of this whole treatment. So ideally get clay masks, detox masks, or whatever your face needs.

You can light them everywhere and always, regardless of circumstances. And putting a few candles in the bathroom during your bath after lowering the lights, sounds a lot like a movie scene.

A drink
Absolute relaxation needs something more. A sparkling wine maybe? Or an aromatic tea? What do you think?

It is impossible not to combine this whole scene with your favorite melodies. Ideally classical music will help you relax easier, however it’s up to you to become the DJ of your bathroom!