Vitamin D: In the fight against COVID-19!

New scientific studies conclude that vitamin D can reduce the risk of developing COVID-19, as well as reduce the severity of the disease.

Αdequate vitamin D in the body means:

·         reduced risk of infection

·         lower risk of serious illness

·         reduced risk of death

The best way to get vitamin D is through sun exposure, eating certain foods and supplements of  vitamin D.

Vitamin D: a great booster of the immune system
A number of recently published studies support the view that vitamin D may also protect us from infection with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that can cause COVID-19. In addition, even if an infection occurs  , it can reduce the severity of the disease.

A recent study by researchers at the University of Chicago, led by Dr. David Meltzer, Director of Hospital Medicine and the Center for Health and Social Sciences, found a significant connection between vitamin D deficiency and risk of COVID-19.

Dr. Meltzer ranked the adequacy of vitamin D in the diet at the top of the list of prevention against COVID-19, on the same level with the observance of proper hygiene, distance and mask.

There is a lot of evidence that we need to take vitamin D deficiency very seriously. According to Dr. Meltzer, if you have a vitamin D deficiency, it will definitely have an impact on your susceptibility to infections.

How does vitamin D help?
Vitamin D: In the fight against COVID-19! Vitamin D plays a key role in maintaining our health and fighting the disease in the least destructive way, limiting the immune response without causing an immune response.

Vitamin D deficiency is widespread.
More than 40% of the population in the western world is deficient in vitamin D, a small amount of which can be found from foods such as salmon and other fatty fish, egg yolks, mushrooms, and foods fortified with this vitamin, such as the milk.

Vitamin D requires exposure to sunlight to be activated in the body.

Ideal Levels of Vitamin D.
It is better to get vitamin D from natural sources. But if this is not always possible, supplements are also effective in boosting the immune system.