Probiotics: Can they help with depression?

Probiotics become increasingly popular over the years. You may already have eaten a lot of probiotic foods, such as Sour Milk, Yogurt, Sauerkraut, Miso (Japanese seasoning) or you may take daily supplements of probiotics in order to take advantage of all the great benefits of them for your digestive system. Now there is an additional reason: your emotional health.

It seems that the germs of the intestine have a decisive effect on the good or bad function of the human body. The synthesis of vitamins B, digestion, metabolism, immune system, angiogenesis, nervous system and brain function, most likely, depend on the composition of the intestinal microbiome. This composition appears differential in a variety of diseases, such as: cardiovascular diseases, malignancies, diabetes type II, obesity, colitis, asthma, psychiatric diseases, etc. Many experts believe that there is a strong link between the digestive system and the brain.

Existing research on probiotics for their contribution against depression and other mental health issues is largely promising. However, many of the existing studies have been done in small populations. For this reason, further research is needed in larger populations.

If you are thinking of trying probiotic supplements for depression, you have to talk to your doctor first. Probiotics are considered safe to use, but it is generally a good idea to get his advice before trying any new supplement or medicine. In clinical trials, Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium family executives showed a beneficial effect on mental health. It is also important to add more probiotic foods to your diet, such as Yoghurt, Tempeh, Miso, Tofu, Wine. If you decide to get a supplement, follow the recommended dosage recommendation. There is no evidence that a larger quantity from the recommended benefits offers additional benefits.

Probiotics may be useful, but they can not replace the treatment, medication or other treatments for depression. You may notice improvement in your symptoms after initiating probiotics. It is important to continue to follow the other treatments. This is especially true if you get antidepressants. The sudden interruption of these drugs can have potentially serious psychological and physical effects. Instead, work with your doctor to advise you how to reduce your medicine if you wish.

Can probiotics cause side effects?
Probiotics generally do not cause side effects. When they do, they are usually mild.

Are there any risks?
Probiotics are safe, mainly because they already exist in your body. They are also found in many foods you have probably already eaten. However, if you have an impaired immune system or cancer, it is best to avoid probiotics so you do not overload your system. They can also interact with certain drugs, including antifungal therapies. It is always better to contact with your doctor before starting any new supplement, especially if you are: pregnant, nursing mother, or face chronic health problem.