
Increase Vitamin D To Lose Weight!

The discovery and announcement of new data on the effects of vitamin D is cataclysmic. The importance of vitamin D for our health has been widely recognized and the measurement of its levels in the blood has now become part of routine examinations in a significant number of medical specialties. Measurement of its levels is […]

10 foods allies against acne.

Some years ago, scientific studies did not link diet to acne. There has been suspicion, from personal testimonies, that some foods, such as dairy products, chocolate and foods with a high glycemic load, aggravate acne, but only in the last five years have scientific studies begun to “accumulate”. Acne seems to be associated with the […]

What About Hair Loss?

Hair grows  0.2-0.5mm per day and the average of its lifetime is 3-4 years, during which it undergo various hardships resulting in losing some of their strength, shine and beauty. “Chemical” treatments, aggressive beauty products and brutal treatment with the brush and hair dryer lead to damaged hair and hair loss. Hair is “born”, grows […]

Fiber & Weight Loss

We all know the beneficial properties of fiber to our body. One of the actions of dietary fiber, which is not well known, is that fiber helps in weight loss. The reasons are the following: 1. Dietary fiber reduces the feeling of hunger. When soluble fiber comes in contact with gastric juices they swell. Their […]

Constipation in Summer – How Can You Avoid It?

Intumescence, flatulence, and other discomforts in the stomach and abdomen are commonly associated with changes in the gastrointestinal tract and can cause constipation. Especially in the summer months the situation can become unbearable and it can affect  even your psychology. This is because in the summer  due to the heat, water losses from the body […]

Vitamin D: In the fight against COVID-19!

New scientific studies conclude that vitamin D can reduce the risk of developing COVID-19, as well as reduce the severity of the disease. Αdequate vitamin D in the body means: ·         reduced risk of infection ·         lower risk of serious illness ·         reduced risk of death The best way to get vitamin D is through […]