Becalm Elderflu N Anvanced Immune Booster Supplement 7 sachets



Supplement for treating flu and cold symptoms. Elderflu N Advanced significantly speeds up recovery and helps with decongestion.

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Becalm Elderflu N Anvanced Immune Booster Supplement

Packaging: 7 sachets


Are you suffering from a cold or flu with severe symptoms that are not letting you recover? Do you have persistent cough accompanied by phlegm production and want relief?

Elderflu N Advanced could provide the solution, drastically reducing symptoms from flu and cold viruses, significantly accelerating recovery, while aiding decongestion.

Elderflu N Advanced is a food supplement, containing N-acetylcysteine and ivy, with mucolytic and expectorant action for the treatment of cough and bronchitis. It also contains Black Elderberry extract, which enhances the immune system and acts as a shield against infections, zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Vitamin E, and Echinacea, which help in combating colds and infections.

Elderflu N Advanced has a pleasant pomegranate flavor.

Target Audience:

Elderflu N Advanced is for adults who have already been affected by flu or a cold and individuals with severe pulmonary and respiratory disorders such as:

  • Individuals with severe upper respiratory infection symptoms.
  • Individuals with very weak immune systems or reduced antibodies.
  • Individuals with chronic bronchitis and chronic respiratory diseases (COPD).
  • Chronic smokers, protecting and cleansing their lungs from carcinogenic substances found in cigarette smoke.


  • Strengthens the body, enhances the immune system.
  • Drastically reduces symptoms and aids in decongestion during illness.
  • Reduces the duration of illness – speeds up recovery.
  • Protects and cleanses the lungs from carcinogenic substances in cigarette smoke.
  • Can act as detoxification in chronic smokers when taken periodically.
How To Use
  • It is recommended to take 1 sachet of powder dissolved in water or juice once a day.
  • It can be used in combination with painkillers and antipyretics.
  • Periodic intake is advised once every three months and for a duration of one week, for individuals with chronic upper respiratory disorders, as detoxification.

Useful Information

  • Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet.
  • Sugar-free.
  • Gluten-free.
  • Lactose-free.
  • Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.
  • Does not contain soy, dairy, peanuts, or eggs.
  • Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a balanced diet.
  • This product is not intended to prevent, treat, or cure any human disease.
  • Consult your doctor if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, taking medication, or have any health issues.
  • Do not use if you are allergic to any of the ingredients of this product.
  • Keep out of reach of children.


  • Black Elderberry: Black Elderberry, also known as Sambucus Nigra, is a plant known for its immune-boosting properties. It helps protect the body preventively from the common cold or flu, while reducing symptoms and their duration in case of illness. Rich in flavonoids (mainly anthocyanins), it is one of the most potent natural antioxidants.
  • N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC): Used as a mucolytic agent to reduce the viscosity of mucous secretions, to loosen thick mucus in individuals with cystic fibrosis or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. It improves bronchial and pulmonary function, reduces cough, and improves oxygen saturation in the blood.
  • Zinc: One of the most common uses of zinc is to boost the immune system and treat symptoms of the common cold. Zinc intake may reduce the severity of symptoms (runny nose, cough, and sore throat) and even the duration of the cold. There is evidence that adequate zinc intake may reduce the likelihood of developing a cold or flu, especially in vulnerable groups such as young children.
  • Vitamin C: Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin. It is a powerful supporter of a healthy immune system. It supports the production and activity of antibodies, enhances the activity of natural killer cells, and promotes the formation of prostaglandins.
  • Vitamin D3: In recent years, numerous scientific studies have highlighted the significant role of vitamin D in overall health. It has been recorded to fortify the immune system against viral and bacterial infections, as well as protecting against autoimmune diseases.
  • Vitamin E: The benefits of vitamin E mainly stem from its antioxidant properties. Its greatest advantage is its ability to provide protection to cell membranes, thus further enhancing the immune system, especially in the elderly.
  • Ivy (Hedera Helix): Ivy extract acts as an expectorant for the treatment of cough and bronchitis. Effective in chronic bronchitis and acute laryngitis. It helps expel phlegm and fluids from the lungs.
  • Echinacea: Echinacea is an herb used for its therapeutic properties for centuries. It fights the common cold and upper respiratory infections. It has antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Active Ingredients:

Amount per Daily Dose                  %RDA*

– **Black Elderberry**            400 mg          –

– **N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)**  600 mg          –

– **Vitamin C**                          500 mg      625%

– **Vitamin D3**                       2,500 IU    1,250%

– **Vitamin E**                           12 mg      100%

– **Zinc**                                     10 mg       100%

– **Ivy – Hedera Helix**            250 mg          –

– **Echinacea**                           250 mg          –

*%RDA: % Recommended Daily Allowance*

Aditional Information

Weight 0,100 kg
Age group
