10 foods allies against acne.

Some years ago, scientific studies did not link diet to acne. There has been suspicion, from personal testimonies, that some foods, such as dairy products, chocolate and foods with a high glycemic load, aggravate acne, but only in the last five years have scientific studies begun to “accumulate”.

Acne seems to be associated with the consumption of the following foods:

  • Dairy Products:
    Mainly milk, but less cheese, butter, ice cream, creams, and milk chocolate.
  • High glycemic load foods:
    Processed flours (not whole grains) and foods made from them, e.g. white bread, and white pasta, as well as sugar and where it is contained, such as in beverages and sweets with flour and sugar (increase in inflammation).

What other foods are associated with inflammation?
All junk food cooked with poor quality oils and rich in trans fats, such as french fries in polyunsaturated seed oils and red meat products with high saturated fats. Soy also through its phytoestrogens seems to affect the hormonal balance.

Finally, the lack of nutrients and especially those mentioned above that help the skin (eg vitamin C, which plays a role in collagen synthesis), is responsible for increasing acne.

10 foods allies against acne
There are certain foods that can help prevent or reduce the symptoms of acne.

  • Avocado:
    They contain large amounts of vitamin B and especially vitamin B3 (niacin), which is extremely anti-inflammatory. Helps treat problems such as rosacea, eczema, psoriasis and acne. Avocados are also an important source of vitamins A, D, B and E, all of which play an important role in replenishing your body cells.
  • Mint:
    This herb can treat imperfections without drying out the skin. Mint contains menthol and menthol, compounds that reduce redness and inflammation. Mint also acts as an astringent, removing pimples caused by excessive fat secretion.
  • Fennel:
    Contains vitamins, antioxidants and minerals, which act as regulators for a healthy skin without acne scars.
  • Brazil Nuts:
    In these nuts you will find a large amount of selenium, which is considered one of the most powerful antioxidants. Helps fight free radicals, while also fighting acne.
  • Red grapes:
    Resveratrol, a substance found mainly in red wine and grapes can help eliminate acne.
  • Tofu, tempeh and miso:
    Sometimes a week they can help the skin, as they contain isoflavones, which boost cell metabolism and help the skin look brighter and more even.
  • Garlic:
    It is known mainly for its ability to flavor foods but it is also excellent for the body, as it cleanses it of bacteria and viruses.
  • Artichoke:
    It is often used in creams and beauty products as it is extremely helpful in glowing the skin.
  • Pumpkin seeds:
    Daily consumption of a handful of unsalted pumpkin seeds is especially beneficial for adult women who have a severe acne problem. Pumpkin seeds are high in unsaturated fats, which help fight skin infections and inflammation caused by bacteria, as well as zinc, which stimulates skin healing and the production of new cells.
  • Berries:
    All kinds of berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, cranberries) are a good source of antioxidants. A diet rich in antioxidants can help you always have a radiant, supple and smooth skin.